September 22, 2010

People are strange when you're a stranger...

One emperor said, "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my dog."

Learning foreign languages is fun, until you go to a foreign country and find out that no one understands you there. Therefore, let us introduce to you our new useful utility - Twenty Words.

This is a small phrasebook that contains 20 words for the most popular tourist's questions. Furthermore, the application offers you pronunciations of the words if their spelling doesn't make things clear. It should be noted that there are 10 popular languages available in English localization and 31 languages in the Russian one.

And we would be glad to extend words database and make translations better. So, if you have any wish and possibility to help us, if you know any foreign language and would like to contribute - feel free to contact us ( or just leave a comment here).

As usual, Twenty words is available at market: market://details?id=trikita.twentywords and SlideMe:

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